Booking and Cancellation Policies
I have online booking that makes appointments easy to access and schedule day or night. Booking of appointments can be done up to 2 hours in advance and up to 4 months in the future. I ask that clients please do not come too early for their appointment time, as this is a collective space with no open reception. I want to offer the previous client time to dress, and pay without any sense of rush. I also want to feel confident that the treatment room is cleaned and remade with care, for your appointment. There is a small window between clients, so this can be achieved, and I can welcome you into the space a few minutes before we begin.
Cancellation can be done 24 hours in advance online or over the phone. I respect that things happen and issues arise but request that cancellation is made as early as possible, so that I have the opportunity to offer that time slot to another valued client. A late cancellation is subject to the full cost of the service and is applied to any cancellations made with less than 24 hours notice. I will always respect your time; and I ask that you offer me the same grace and understanding. No Shows with no notice will have the full service price added to their account and be banned after two such actions.
I am a small practice and want to assure that my clients and I have a symbiotic relationship where we both feel respected, honored and valued with time, care and integrity. If I ever need to cancel your appointment for any reason, with less than 24 hours notice, I will add a $50 credit to your account.
I do not presently offer direct billing, however, your receipt will carry everything you need to submit your treatment for benefit coverage and generally, most agencies get your payment back to you within 10 business days.
Payment and Receipts
I am in a paperless office. Therefore receipts are issued via email. I accept Debit and Credit cards.